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《湘行散记》是沈从文离开家乡多年对家乡情感的寄托,也是沈从文返回故乡时,家乡的一切激发起的内心情感的表达。在《湘行散记》中有沈从文在外长期漂泊的孤寂与无奈,也有沈从文对过去生活的追忆,更有沈从文久未归乡,对故乡的思念与追忆。在文章中,沈从文使用了一种独特的文学表达方式和表现手法,将自己细腻的情感和对家乡的眷恋都寄托在文字当中。沈从文笔下所描绘出的湘西风情不仅是沈从文记忆中的故乡样貌,也是当时整个中国农村的缩影,在文章中通过虚实结合的表现手法,构建了一个在作者心目中完美的故乡原貌,表达了沈从文对湘西的特殊情感。 “Xiang San San Ji” is Shen Congwen left home for many years on the hometown sustenance, but also Shen Congwen returned home, all excitement from the home’s emotional expression. Shen Xiangwen is a lonely and helpless long-term adventurist in the “Xiang Xing San San Ji”, and Shen Congwen’s memory of past life, more than ever since Shen Congwen’s return to his hometown, his memory and memory of his hometown. In the article, Shen Congwen used a unique style of expression and expression of literature, his delicate emotions and love of the home are pinned on the text. The style of Xiangxi portrayed by Shen Congwen is not only the hometown of Shen Congwen’s memory, but also the microcosm of the entire rural areas of China at that time. Through the performance of the combination of the actual situation and the actual situation, the article builds a perfect hometown in the author’s mind, Shen Congwen expressed the special feelings of Xiangxi.
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