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Q:吗丁啉的主要适应症有哪些? A:上腹胀闷疼痛,嗳气,恶心、呕吐,反酸,烧心等多种胃病症状。 Q:吗丁啉的用荮安全性如何? A:吗丁啉几乎不透过血脑屏障,因此它不产生中枢神经系统的副作用;不良反应发生率极低,长期用药无耐受性,无明显的药物间相互作用。吗丁啉上市十年来,累计销售逾百亿片,其安全性受到了广泛认可。 Q: What are the main indications of domperidone? A: symptoms of multiple stomach problems such as abdominal distention and pain, belching, nausea, vomiting, acid reflux and heartburn. Q: What is the safety of the use of domperidone? A: It can hardly cause central nervous system side effects because it rarely penetrates the blood-brain barrier; the incidence of adverse reactions is extremely low and no long-term use is tolerated; Obvious drug interactions. Domperidone market over the past decade, the cumulative sales of more than 10 billion tablets, its safety has been widely recognized.
外甥大学毕业后,每月两三千块钱的工作进入不了他的眼,四五千元的也入不了他的心,一心想着干大事挣大钱。前天,姐姐前来向我哭诉:“孩子相中了一桩大生意,这边买买,那边卖卖,就能挣到大钱。但是干这生意得扎大本钱,他要求把家里的积蓄全取出来,再贷些款就可以开张了。你说这孩子从小办事就不牢靠,万一赔进去,我和他爸这一辈子的血汗钱不全就打水漂了吗……”  姐姐的担心不无道理,她和姐夫是地地道道的农民,省吃俭用