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立足于老龄化和生育政策调整的背景,文章利用中国健康与养老追踪调查数据,通过建立加速时效时间模型,系统分析了包含子女数量、性别结构、生育时间和生育期长等在内的生育行为对女性进入老年时期的健康的影响,并进一步在个体层面上测算了老年女性的健康生存时间。实证结果发现,生育行为对老年女性的健康会产生重要影响。从健康角度来看,生男生女都一样;而多子不但不会多福,还会降低老年女性的健康福利;同时,初育年龄太大或太小都将不利于女性老年时期的健康水平,而生育期延长会显著提升女性老年时期的健康水平。文章还探讨了生育行为对老年女性健康的影响机制,认为在目前生育政策调整的背景下应关注生育行为改变对女性健康的潜在影响。 Based on the background of aging and fertility policy adjustment, this paper systematically analyzes the fertility behavior including the number of children, gender structure, growth period and growth period through the establishment of accelerated aging model using the data of China Health and Enduring Tracing Survey. On women’s health in old age, and further on the individual level to measure the health of elderly women’s survival time. Empirical results show that the fertility behavior of older women will have a significant impact on the health. From a health point of view, both boys and girls are the same; and not only will not be more blessed child, but also reduce the health benefits of older women; the same time, the age too early or too young will be detrimental to the health of women in old age , While the growth period will significantly enhance the health of women in old age. The article also explores the impact of fertility on the health of older women and suggests that the potential impact of changes in fertility on the health of women should be addressed in the context of current policy adjustments.
<正> 一、痰饮(苓桂术甘汤案) 沈某,男,57岁,1976年1月24日初诊。咳嗽痰多,遇寒而作,气短而促,脘胁时闷,作剧则见眩晕,苔淡脉迟。寒饮之疾,予温药和之。处方:茯苓18克,肉桂3
<正> 走进性保健品商店内,男女裸身相拥的大幅图片张挂在墙上,明亮的展柜中摆放着各式性保健用品,穿白大褂的女店员不失时机地上前询问你需要些什么,并就你关心的问题作出解
<正> 一忌长期精食。中老年人不吃糙米粗粮,只吃精米、精面是不妥当地。因为在稻麦的皮中,含有多种重要的微量元素及植物纤维素。例如铬和锰,若经加工精制后,就会大量减少。