患者35岁,住院号173576。左侧外阴肿物逐渐增大5个月,破溃伴疼痛一个月。盆腔检查:左侧外阴下1/2处有10×7×5cm 结节溃疡状肿物,硬而固定。其他无异常。按肿瘤合并感染行抗炎治疗一周后,局部症状有所好转。于1971年5月31日行外阴切除术,术中发现肿瘤已侵犯耻骨,故无法切除干净。病理报告为外阴纤维肉瘤(病理号46886)。术后外阴伤口一直未愈,经常流出豆腐渣样物,患者一般状况日益恶
Patient 35 years old, hospital number 173576. The left vulvar tumor gradually increased 5 months, rupture with pain for a month. Pelvic examination: the left vulva 1/2 at 10 × 7 × 5cm nodular ulceration, hard and fixed. No other abnormalities. After a week of anti-inflammatory treatment of tumor-associated infections, local symptoms improved. May 31, 1971 line vulvectomy, surgery found that the tumor has violated the pubic bone, it can not be removed. Pathology report for vulvar fibrosarcoma (pathology number 46886). Postoperative genital wound has not healed, often out of bean curd samples, the general condition of patients increasingly evil