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下乳涌泉散方出自《清太医院配方》,原为妇人产后肝郁、络阻,乳汁不下所设。我院自1986~1988年用此方治疗颈椎病51例,均以1984年全国颈椎病桂林会议制定的标准确诊。治疗结果:临床治愈(症状消失)14例,显效(症状明显减轻)18例,好转(部分症状减轻或消失)13例,无效6例,总有效率为88.2%。 Under the Chung Yong Quan scattered side from the “Qingtai Hospital Formulation”, the original woman postpartum liver Yu, Luo resistance, not less than the milk set. In our hospital from 1986 to 1988, 51 cases of cervical spondylosis were treated with this prescription, all of which were accurately diagnosed according to the standard of the National Conference on Cervical Spondylosis Guilin in 1984. Treatment results: clinical cure (symptoms disappeared) in 14 cases, markedly effective (symptoms significantly reduced) in 18 cases, improved (part of the symptoms reduced or disappeared) in 13 cases, 6 cases ineffective, the total effective rate was 88.2%.
端庄、文静、优雅、高贵……这些大人心目中形容美少女的词语,我全都不具备。对应着我的,是自恋、嗨到极点、活泼、开放、豪迈……不知不觉中,我总是会巧妙地避开优雅的词汇,走向嗨的极端!  一次,听到同学们在讨论我感兴趣的话题,我顿时来了劲头,搬了把椅子坐到他们当中,我开始了自己“精妙绝伦”的演讲。我滔滔不绝、声情并茂、手舞足蹈,那排山倒海的气势和一发不可收拾的磅礴景象,简直是“惊天地,泣鬼神”。讲得情到