异域来风 新气候经济中的增长

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长期以来,降低二氧化碳排放量、遏制气候变化的行动,被认为与经济增长根本对立。事实上,全球经济复苏的脆弱性,常被用作推迟上述行动的理由。但全球经济和气候委员会的最新报告《新气候经济:更好的增长,更好的气候》驳斥了这一说法。该报告指出,对抗气候变化的努力,不但不会阻挠经济增长,反而可以极大地促进增长。只要你研究过2008年金融危机爆发以来的经济表现,就会明白资产负债表受损可能导致增长放缓、突然停止,甚至逆转。而熟悉发展中国家增长的人都明白,人力资本、基 For a long time, actions to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and curb climate change have been considered fundamentally contrary to economic growth. In fact, the vulnerability of the global economic recovery is often used as a justification for postponing the above actions. However, the latest report of the Global Economic and Climate Commission, “The New Climate Economy: Better Growth, Better Climate,” dismisses this view. The report pointed out that efforts to combat climate change will not only hinder economic growth but will, on the contrary, greatly promote growth. As long as you study the economic performance since the outbreak of the financial crisis in 2008, you will understand that the deterioration of the balance sheet could lead to a slowdown in growth, a sudden halt or even a reversal. Those who are familiar with the growth of developing countries understand that human capital and infrastructure