【摘 要】
A year ago, when the “West-East Gas Pipeline” started its full-scale operation, many people were mixed about this. The good news is that this landmark project of the natural gas industry in our time will bring the exploration, development and utilization of natural gas in our country into a new era and improve the energy structure and environmental quality in our country so that the resource advantages in the western region will be transformed into Economic advantages and promote economic development along the 9 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities; concern is that the west has proven enough natural gas reserves, the cost of long-distance transportation of natural gas
(unit)吕一侣Production and Sales of Domestically-Made Mini Trucks Jan. to Oct., 1997
(unit) 吕一 侣 Production and Sales of Domestically-Made Mini Trucks Jan.
Although increasing attention has been paid to upward shift of plant species in altitude as a response to global warming,research on this phenomenon at low alti
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如今.香港车轮滚滚,汽车已进入千家万户。让我们看看香港的汽车社会起步于何时。 第一辆汽车:在世界第一辆汽车诞生后的第十六年即1901年,香港出现了第一辆汽车,这辆汽车属
2001年第1期综述 高质量编制中外合资大乙烯项目可研报告探讨 ”””“”‘”’‘””“‘’“二’·····、,·……徐惟兴(1) 乙烯装置汽油分馏塔的设计……赵汝文等(5)
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