想打破僵局?试试兼并、收购和合并吧!当然,这不是指几年前各巨头们对一些奄奄一息的市场配角的“施恩”。那些收购仅仅是为巨头们增添一些生产基地而已,并不能从根本上改变市场格局。仅仅是一些“战术动作”,还远远谈不上“战略性”。 其实,是对手没有关系,恩怨太多没有关系,只要携手后能把僵持的市场格局彻底打破,能把大部分对手远远地抛在后面,那么,有什么是不能谈的呢?有朝一日,“现实的困难”也许会被“现实的利益”所打破,那么,最不可思议的事情也将会发生。到那一天,也许我们看到的就是长虹与康佳的合并、美的和格力的合并、荣事达和小天鹅的合并、一汽和二汽的合并、娃哈哈和乐百氏的合并、联想和新浪的合并、乃至深圳发展银行和浦东发展银行的合并等等。
Of course, this does not mean the “gratitude” of the giants a few years ago for some dying market players. Those acquisitions merely add some production bases to the giants and can not fundamentally change the market structure. Just a few “tactical moves” are far from “strategic.” In fact, there is no relationship between opponents. There is no problem with too many complaints. As long as we can completely break the deadlocked market structure and bring the majority of our competitors far behind, then what can we not talk about? One day, Real difficulties “may be broken by” real interests, "then the most incredible things will happen. On that day, perhaps we can see is the merger of Changhong and Konka, the merger of the United States and Gree, the merger of Rongshida and Little Swan, the merger of FAW and Volkswagen, the merger of Wahaha and Robust, the merger of Lenovo and Sina, As well as the merger between Shenzhen Development Bank and Pudong Development Bank.