风格不定,归属难明 利奥波德·莫扎特的交响之作

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在过去的两百年里,利奥波德·莫扎特所遭受的恶意批评以及不公正评价要比其同时代的作曲家多得多,在一定程度上这得归因于他那绝世无双的天才儿子。事实上,他是一位敏锐的观察者,也是一名出色的批评家,还担当着教师的职责,当然也是一位优秀的作曲家。他不仪让自己的作品传出萨尔茨堡,更让“莫扎特”闻名且不朽。1743年,利奥波德·莫扎特(Johann Georg Leopold Mozart,沃尔夫冈·莫扎特之父,后简称为老莫扎特)离开约翰·巴蒂斯特,来到大主教Firmian的宫廷乐队担任第四小提琴。同时,也负责教堂唱诗班的小提琴教习,之后又一并教习键盘。1758年,他升为第二小提琴,五年后成为副乐长。 Over the past two hundred years, Leopold Mozart has been subjected to malicious criticism and unfair appraisal more than its contemporary composers, thanks in part to his peerless genius son . In fact, he is a keen observer, a brilliant critic, a teacher, and of course a good composer. He does not let his work pass Salzburg, leaving “Mozart” famous and immortal. In 1743, Johann Georg Leopold Mozart, the father of Wolfgang Mozart, later known as Old Mozart, left John Baptiste and came to the Archbishop’s Firmian’s Orchestra as the fourth violin. At the same time, also responsible for the church choir violin teaching, and later with the keyboard. In 1758 he became the second violin and became deputy music director five years later.