患者男,64岁。因间断性声嘶伴喉异物感2年,频繁刺激性干咳1个月于2007年5月8日入院。专科检查:喉体活动正常,颈部未触及肿大淋巴结。电子喉镜检查:声门前连合上方见0·6 cm×0·6 cm息肉样球形肿物,表面光滑,基底位于前连合偏右侧声带上方(图1)。颈部CT显示声带前连合上方肿物,
Patient male, 64 years old. Due to intermittent hoarseness throat foreign body sensation 2 years, frequent irritating cough 1 month on May 8, 2007 admission. Specialist examination: throat activity is normal, the neck did not touch the enlarged lymph nodes. Electronic laryngoscopy: supraglottic see above 0.6 cm x 0.6 cm polypoid spherical tumor, the surface is smooth, the base is located in the pre-commissure right above the vocal cords (Figure 1). Neck CT showed vocal fold before the joint mass,