
来源 :石油政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hljhrbsccd
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一、北方化工总公司的基本情况北方化工总公司是以安置吉化全民职工子女就业为目的而组建起来的集体企业。1979年以来安置全民职工子女曾以每年3000人的速度增长。高峰期职工总数达到42000人。北方化工总公司一些二级厂的前身曾是全民企业的家属厂,很大程度上依赖于主体厂的支持。在划旧北方化工总公司统一管理后,主体厂的支持相对减弱,有的脱钩。近些年来,由于设备的老化,资金的匮乏,已呈捉襟见肘之态势。北方化工总公司审时度势,全面分析了企业的现状,认为冗员是扼制北方化工总公司经济发展的重要因素,并下决心裁员,按照北方化工总公司现有的固定资产人均占有的份额,确定了精减至12000人的目标,至目前已由32000人减至14000人,下岗18000人,约占职工总数的56%,幅度之大、困难之多是可以想象的。但北方化工总公司无情减员,有情操作,取得了显著效果。二、下岗职工的心态1.失落感。一些职工下岗后,精神萎靡,有的甚至失去再就业的信心。调查中我们发 First, the basic situation of the Northern Chemical Corporation Northern Chemical Corporation is the resettlement of Jilin Ji full-service workers for the purpose of employment and set up a collective enterprise. Since 1979, the children of migrant workers have been increasing at an annual rate of 3,000. The peak of the total number of workers reached 42,000 people. The predecessor of a number of second-level plants of Northern Chemical Corporation was a family-owned factory that used to be a national enterprise, relying heavily on the support of the main plant. After planning the unified management of the North Chemical Corporation, the support of the main plant is relatively weakening, and some decoupling. In recent years, due to the aging equipment, lack of funds, has been stretched. Northern Chemical Corporation to assess the situation, a comprehensive analysis of the status quo of the enterprise, that redundancy is to curb the Northern Chemical Corporation, an important factor in economic development, and determined to layoffs, in accordance with the Northern Chemical Corporation’s current share of fixed assets per capita, to determine the fine The target reduced to 12,000 people has now been reduced from 32,000 to 14,000. There are 18,000 laid-off workers, accounting for about 56% of the total workforce. The magnitude of the difficulty is as much as it can be imagined. However, Northern Chemical Corporation ruthless attrition, emotional operation, and achieved remarkable results. Second, laid-off workers mentality 1. sense of loss. After some laid-off workers, the spirit is sluggish, and some even lose their confidence in re-employment. We sent in the investigation