龟蜡蚧 Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock 是柑桔等多种经济植物的重要害虫。福建沙县一年发生二代,第一代自3月至7月,第二代从7月到翌年3月.以雌成虫和少数三龄若虫越冬.多年观察,未曾发现雄虫.行孤雌生殖。每雌平均产卵500多粒。龟蜡蚧与日本蜡蚧 Ceroplastesjapouicus Green 易于混淆,对这两种蜡蚧的形态特征和生物学上的区别作了讨论.考查得龟蜡蚧寄生性天敌8种,隶属于小蜂总科 Chalcidoidea 的蚜小蜂科 Aphelinldae、跳小蜂科 Encyrtidae、姬小蜂科 Eulophidae 和金小蜂科 Pferomalidae
Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock is an important pest of many economic plants such as citrus. The second generation occurs in Shaxian County, Fujian Province from the first generation from March to July and the second generation from July to the following March, with the female adults and a few third-grade nymphs overwintering. For many years, no male was found. Female reproduction. An average of more than 500 eggs per female. Ceroplastes japonicus and Ceroplastes japouicus Green were easy to be confused, and the morphological and biological differences between the two species of wax scale were discussed.In this study, eight species of parasitoids were identified, belonging to Chalcidoidea Aphelinldae, Encyrtidae, Eulophidae and Pferomalidae