1983年北京大学原系主任侯仁之教授在加拿大UBC地理系(Department of Geology and Geography,University of British Columbia)讲学期间,同该系商定,我于1984-1985年去该系做访问学者,师从R.马凯(John Ross Mackay,1915-2014)教授进修冻土与冰缘地貌.今得知他于2014年10月28日清晨去世,终年99岁,我十分痛惜并引起深深地
In 1983, Professor Hou Renzhi, former director of Peking University, agreed with the department during his lecture at the Department of Geography and Geography, University of British Columbia in Canada. From 1984 to 1985, I went to visit the Department as a visiting scholar. Professor John Ross Mackay (1915-2014) advanced the frozen soil and ice edge landscape. Now that he has died in the early morning of October 28, 2014, at the age of 99, I very much deplore and cause deep