FK506 is a candidate for the treatment of acute stroke. Determining whether a drug can be used in clinical trials should be based on a comprehensive, unbiased assessment of animal data, taking into account the limitations of these data. This assessment should include not only the efficacy of the drug, but also the characteristics and limitations of the drug’s efficacy in the body. This study evaluated the protective effect of FK506 in stroke animal models using systematic reviews and Meta-analysis. A total of 29 studies describing the experimental procedure were included, including 1759 animals. The results showed that the point estimate of FK506 efficacy (improvement of outcome measures) was 31.3% [95% CI (0.272-0.354)]. FK506 is more effective in animal studies using ketamine anesthesia and transient ischemic attack and is less effective in rats using rats, animals with other diseases, and those with infarct size alone. The quality of published experimental studies is close to the standard of clinical trials, but FK506 is less effective in high-quality studies. Although experimental studies of stroke have shown significant efficacy, FK506 should be noted that the efficacy of FK506 may be overestimated due to factors such as the quality of study and possible publication bias.