尽管因产品组合发生变化而导致出现较低的平均价格,但钛金属公司(Timet)目前正在努力提高产品的销售量.该公司执行官员最近表示,Timet面对的是一个逐步兴起的成本竞争的市场环境,由于缺乏航空部门的新定单,这种状况将持续下去. Timet在俄亥俄州多伦多工
Despite a lower average price due to changes in the product mix, Timet is currently working hard to increase product sales. The company’s executive officials recently stated that Timet is facing a gradually emerging cost-competitive market environment that will continue due to the lack of new orders from the aviation sector. Timet works in Toronto, Ohio