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作为我国古代重要的人才选拔工具,科举考试制度为封建王朝的发展前行提供了重要支撑。然而,科举并不仅仅是一种单纯的考试制度,作为封建政治系统的重要组成分支,政治功能是其基本特征,同时科举制度还与所处的社会经济、文化等存在着紧密的联系,发挥着无形的统和功能。因此对科举制度政治功能的研究是对其他功能研究的基础,对其他方面的研究,具有理论铺垫意义。文章正是以此为研究对象,从其对权力机构的调整,对政治基础的巩固,对政治文化的渲染三个层面逐渐增加研究的深度,由窄到宽,由浅入深,层层深入进行研究,以期丰富此处研究的理论内容。 As an important talent selection tool in ancient China, the imperial examination system provides important support for the development of the feudal dynasty. However, the imperial examination is not merely a simple examination system. As an important constituent of the feudal political system, political function is its basic characteristic. At the same time, the imperial examination system is closely linked with the social economy and culture in which it is located. Invisible system and function. Therefore, the study of the political function of the imperial examination system is the basis for the study of other functions. The study of other aspects has theoretical significance. It is precisely this article that the article studies, from its adjustment of the power institutions, the consolidation of the political foundation, the political and cultural rendering three levels gradually increase the depth of the study, from narrow to broad, from shallow to deep, in-depth Research, in order to enrich the theoretical content of the study here.
目的 观察丙型肝炎病人外周血B细胞长期存活状态下其中是否仍有丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)存在 ,探讨建立HCV体外复制细胞模型的可能性。方法 利用EB病毒转化B淋巴细胞技术 ,建立丙
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