江苏是我国蘑菇主产省之一,近年来种植面积迅速扩大。据不完全统计,1982年全省栽培总面积达5500万尺。左右。根据1983年1月江苏省轻工厅、省外贸局和南京商检局联合召开的全省蘑菇罐头生产交流会议精神,现将江苏蘑菇生产近况简述如下: 一、蘑菇的加工和出口江苏省有11个蘑菇罐头加工厂和几十个盐水蘑菇、脱水蘑菇的加工单位。其中蘑菇罐头以南京、南通、苏州、太仓等罐头厂生产量较大,生产规格
Jiangsu is one of the major mushroom producing provinces in China. Its planting area has rapidly expanded in recent years. According to incomplete statistics, the province’s total cultivated area in 1982 reached 55 million square feet. about. According to the spirit of the meeting of the province mushroom canning production exchange convened jointly by Jiangsu Light Industry Administration, Foreign Trade Bureau and Nanjing Commodity Inspection Bureau in January 1983, the current status of mushroom production in Jiangsu is briefly described as follows: I. Processing and export of mushrooms 11 canned mushroom processing plants and dozens of brine mushrooms, dehydrated mushroom processing units. Canned mushrooms in Nanjing, Nantong, Suzhou, Taicang and other canned plants larger production capacity, production specifications