The information ordered series (IOS) is a new concept proposed by the author. It refers to the non-random information, non-periodic, there is a large number of disorderly ordered part of the order of the features. The theory of IOS is to use the simple hypotheses and simple numbers or geometric models to study the objective existence complexity of geologic bodies and to reduce the assumptions such as probability distribution, periodicity, stability and ergodic theory. A set of phenomena in IOS that look like cycles on the surface but are broadly defined and can not be found by spectral analysis and statistical analysis. The term “series” is used to distinguish it from “model”, which is characterized by its existence in a limited range and for a short period of time, which is unstable and ergodic. The word “orderly” emphasizes the orderly part existing in chaos and can be used for predictive purposes. So, IOS is part of the order. Large earthquakes, hot spots, super-large deposits, joints and other spatial and temporal distribution shows the objective existence of IOS.