1登封市基本情况登封市位于郑州市西南,总人口68万人,总面积1220 km2。2013年市区现状城市建设用地面积18.60 km2、人口19万人,是全国文物之乡、卫生城市、优秀旅游城市,2008年8月包括少林寺在内的8处11座嵩山古建筑群被世界遗产委员会认定为世界文化遗产。登封十年九旱,水资源贫乏,人均水资源占有量320 m3,地下水埋藏较深,没有外来水。多年平均降水量614.90 mm。
1 Dengfeng City Basic Situation Dengfeng City is located in the southwest of Zhengzhou City with a total population of 680,000 with a total area of 1220 km2. , Excellent Tourism City, August 2008 Eleven Block Songshan Ancient Buildings including Shaolin Temple were recognized as World Cultural Heritage by World Heritage Committee. Dengfeng nine years drought ten years, water resources are scarce, per capita water resources occupy 320 m3, buried deep groundwater, there is no external water. The average annual rainfall is 614.90 mm.