1 概况石炭井矿务局地处宁夏西北部贺兰山区,所属的各矿分布在地处偏僻、工作条件艰苦的群山之中。随着国家经济向市场经济的转型,企业与广大职工都需要将原来分散在各处的有线电视升级改造成一个能适应现代企业运作的、有一定规模的大型企业有线电视网。局领导非常重视此项工
1 Overview Carboniferous Minerals Bureau is located in Helan Mountain, northwestern Ningxia, where the various mines are located in remote and difficult working conditions. With the transition from a national economy to a market economy, enterprises and the general staff and workers need to upgrade and upgrade the originally scattered cable television into a large-scale enterprise cable television network that can adapt to the operation of modern enterprises. The leadership attaches great importance to this workforce