Testing of compounds for carcinogenic potential in vivo involves various experimentaldesigns.A few of these techniques are directed to demonstrate the genotoxicity andmutagenicity of the compound by histopathology.These changes shown by histochemicalmeans include monoclonal antibody directed cellular markers.Development of thepolymerase chain reaction technique(PCR)for amplification of DNA has facilitated theinvestigation of molecular events related to the formation of malignant neoplasms.Wedescribe here a method for screening tissues for mutations of the H-ras gene using monoclonalantibodies directed toward normal and mutant p21 proteins.Formalin-fixed,paraffin-embedded tissue sections are used to subsequently confirm the gene mutation by PCRamplification of the H-ras gene.The results indicated a successful application of thistechnique to demonstrate the presence of p21 oncoprotein in the tissues tested.
Testing of compounds for carcinogenic potential in vivo involving various experimental designs. A few of these techniques are directed to demonstrate the genotoxicity and mutagenicity of the compound by histopathology. These changes shown by histochemical means include monoclonal antibody directed cellular markers. Development of the polymerase reaction chain technique (PCR ) for amplification of DNA has facilitated the investigation of molecular events related to the formation of malignant neoplasms. Wedescribe here a method for screening tissues for mutations of the H-ras gene using monoclonalantibodies directed toward normal and mutant p21 proteins. Normalin-fixed, paraffin- embedded tissue sections are used to subsequently confirm the gene mutation by PCR amplification of the H-ras gene. The results indicate a successful application of this technique demonstrates that the presence of p21 oncoprotein in the tissues tested.