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论文基于参数法经典理论索洛残差法以及非参数法DEA-Malmquist指数方法对我国东中西地区全要素生产率进行测算比较。两种模型方法估算全要素生产率总体的大小和趋势是一致的,在经济繁荣的阶段,TFP增长率都出现了逐步上涨的特点,在经济不景气或者受经济危机影响的阶段,都出现了急剧下滑降至阶段低点。但是对于波动幅度和大小存在较大的差异。索洛残差法对全要素生产了的估算比较平缓,但在经济冲击比较大的背景下波动又显得较为剧烈。用索罗残差法估算全要素生产率的变化,东部地区和中部地区基本都在TFP变化率1上下震荡,且东部地区和中部地区差距描述不是很明显。而DEAMalmquist指数方法对全要素生产率的梯度差估算更为显著,经济危机和国家政策对地区投入的冲击波动也更为平稳和顺畅。通过对DEA指数方法对全要素生产率进行分解后,发现技术效率最高的前三个省市分别为天津、上海、广东省;而技术效率最低的四个省份分别为广西、西藏、内蒙古、吉林。从区域层次来看,2003-2012年之间曼奎斯特全要素生产率增长率顺序从高到低依次是东部、中部和西部地区。技术效率指数的以仍然是东部地区最高、中部次之,西部地区最低。本文建议加大R&D投入、加快区域产业转型升级是提升中西部区域技术效率缩小与东部差距的重要手段和途径之一。 Based on the classical theory of Solow Residual Method with parametric method and DEA-Malmquist index method of nonparametric method, the paper compares the total factor productivity of eastern, central and western China. Both of the two model methods estimate the overall size and trend of total factor productivity in a consistent manner. During the economic boom, the TFP growth rate has been gradually rising. During the economic downturn or the economic crisis, there has been a sharp decline Down to the stage low. However, there is a big difference between the fluctuation range and the size. Solow residual method of total factor production is relatively flat estimates, but in the context of the larger economic shocks and more intense. Using the Solow residual method to estimate the change of total factor productivity, the eastern region and the central region basically fluctuated at the TFP change rate of 1, and the difference between the eastern region and the central region was not obvious. The DEAMalmquist index method estimates the gradient difference of total factor productivity more significantly, and the impact of economic crisis and national policies on regional investment is more stable and smooth. After decomposing the total factor productivity (DEA) index method, it is found that the top three provinces and cities with the highest technical efficiency are Tianjin, Shanghai and Guangdong respectively; and the four provinces with the lowest technical efficiency are Guangxi, Tibet, Inner Mongolia and Jilin respectively. At the regional level, the total factor productivity growth rate of Manquist in the order from high to low is the eastern, central and western regions from 2003 to 2012. Technical efficiency index is still the highest in the eastern region, followed by the central, the lowest in the western region. This paper suggests that increasing R & D investment and accelerating industrial restructuring and upgrading in the region are one of the important means and ways to enhance the technical efficiency in the central and western regions and narrow the gap with the eastern region.
7月15日,银华转债指数增强分级债券基金(下称“银华转债”)开始募集。  由于投资标的为转债,以及在收益端进行了分级,该基金的B份额具有与此前市场上股票B份额和债券B份额都不同的风险收益特征。  由于四大转债(中行、工行、民生银行、中石化)的权重占指数70%以上,而这四只正股同有周期股特征,因此转债指数成份债之间的表现差异不大,可大致将转债指数看做一只大盘转债。  这样一来,就存在两个指数位,将转
海峡两岸医药企业家对接会在泸州举行  8月22日,海峡两岸医药企业家对接会在四川省泸州市举行,该活动是2015中国医药企业家年会的分论坛,由中国医药企业管理协会和台湾生技医
摘要:农民增加收入是国家农村经济建设工作的重点与中心,这关系着农村社会稳定与农业经济发展,还与提高农业劳动生产率、小城镇建设、农业经济发展结构的调整和农村剩余劳动力的转移等方面密切相关,是广大农民群众的根本利益所在。教育、就业培谢l、劳动力的转移都是增加农民收入的重要方法,本文将简要分析这几个问题与增加农民收入的关系。  关键词:农民增收;教育培训;农村劳动力转移  “十二五”以来国家对农村经济建
文rn图 陈木小rn如果我是一名粉丝数以千计、以万计的博主,我想,我会录一集视频.我会让他们的眼睛,透过我的镜头,发现杭州让人“怦然心动”的某一瞬间.我会真诚地与我的粉丝