红外2019年第40卷第3期 目录
【出 处】
介绍和总结了近年来掺Yb稀土钙氧硼酸盐(Yb∶ReCOB)晶体激光器研究取得的主要进展。这些进展包括连续波激光器,声光调Q,以Cr 4 ∶YAG、GaAs、二维材料等为可饱和吸收体的被动调Q,SESAM被动锁模,克尔透镜锁模,以及自倍频绿光和黄光激光器等。这类Yb∶ReCOB晶体对许多不同运转模式的全固态激光器应用都表现出很大潜力。
We demonstrate a scalable architecture for coherent combining of pulsed fiber lasers. A new method for generating synchronous pulsed fiber lasers by direct phase modulation is proposed and investigated. It is shown that phase modulated mutually coupled la
Flat mirrors, also known as flat parabolic surfaces, for millimeter-wave and terahertz imaging systems are demonstrated. This flat mirror is based on the metasurface in which an inexpensive printed circuit board technology is used to realize copper patter
Noninvasive detection of body composition plays a significant role in the improvement of life quality and reduction in complications of the patients, and the near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, with the advantages of painlessness and convenience, is conside
为解决凸双曲面检验中因辅助反射镜的口径过大而导致其加工困难的问题,提出一种可用于检验凸双曲面反射镜的方法。在Hindle法的基础上,利用校正透镜和球面反射镜组成消像差系统,通过设计检验光路缩短了辅助反射镜与待检双曲面镜的距离。该方法不但可以减小辅助反射镜的口径,而且能够维持待检双曲面镜的有效口径不变。根据三级像差理论推导公式,设计口径为800 mm,顶点曲率半径为1800 mm,二次曲线常数为-2.25的大口径凸双曲面的检验光路。对所设计的检验光路进行分析,结果显示:其残余像差峰谷值为0.0003λ(λ=
We experimentally establish a non-classical correlation between a single Stokes photon and the collective spin excited state of a cold atomic ensemble by using a spontaneous Raman scattering process. The correlation between them can be proved by transferr
Laplacian reconstruction of one single hologram using two dif ferent reconstruction distances or wav
A novel numerical algorithm is proposed to reconstruct the Laplacian of an object field from one single in-line hologram. This method uses two different reconstruction distances of z and z \Delta z, or two different reconstruction wavelengths of \lambda