自从签订美日“行政协定”以来已经一年多了。在这期间日本发生了那些事情呢! 劳动人民首当其卫首先遭殃的是劳动人民。在“日本钢管工场”的“川崎制铁所”推行着不合理的制度,“特审局”的特务竭力压榨着工人,本来每月一万五、六千吨的产量现在提高到二万四、五千吨以至三万吨了,本来每月出钢二十二次,现在已增加为二十六次、甚至二十八次了,还有所谓“战时要员制度”,一天一天地折磨着工人,强迫工人从事致命的奴隶式的劳动。在横须贺“富士汽车公司”的“追滨工场”里,有七千个日本工人干活。这些工人都是以很低的工资受雇着。这个工场据说是属于PD工场(即美军军管工场)之类的。在这类工场里;日本的劳动法根本不发生作用,“行政协定”中虽然也写着
It has been more than a year since the signing of the “U.S.-Japan Administrative Agreement.” During that time, what happened to Japan? The working people, first of its kind, are the working people. In “Kawasaki Steel Works” at “Japan Steel Tube Works,” an unreasonable system has been put in place and the special agents of the “Hong Kong Special Administrative Tribunal” have worked hard to squeeze workers. The monthly output of 15,000 to 6,000 tons is now raised to 24,000 , 5,000 tons or even 30,000 tons, originally tapping twenty-two times a month and now has been increased to twenty-six times, or even twenty-eight times, and the so-called “wartime master system,” one day a day Tortured workers forced workers to engage in deadly slave-type labor. In Yokohama “Fuji Automobile Company” in the “changbin factory”, there are 7000 Japanese workers work. These workers are hired at very low wages. This workshop is said to belong to the PD factory (that is, the US military mansion factory) and the like. In such workshops, Japan’s labor law does not work at all. Although the “Administrative Agreement” also says