一、黄河三角洲的自然概况 黄河目前在山东省的河道,是清咸丰5年(1855)在河南铜瓦厢决口夺大清河河道形成的,长617公里。一百多年来,河水中每年挟带的十几亿吨泥沙,在注入渤海的河口沉积造陆,形成巨大的黄河三角洲。包括广饶、利津、垦利、沾化四个县的大部分,现属东营市辖区。总面积1874平方公里,占东营市总面积(7148平方
First, the natural profile of the Yellow River Delta Yellow River is currently in the river in Shandong Province, Qing Xianfeng 5 years (1855) in Henan copper warship burst dominated the Qinghe River formed, 617 km long. Over a hundred years, more than a billion tons of sediment entrained in the river water each year have been deposited in the estuary injected into the Bohai Sea, forming a huge Yellow River delta. Including Guangrao, Lijin, Kenli, Zhanhua most of the four counties, is now under the jurisdiction of Dongying City. The total area of 1874 square kilometers, accounting for the total area of Dongying (7148 square feet