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从湖北省全面实施“两圈一带”的发展战略,到恩施市提出打造“仙居恩施”、建设生态走廊的科学决策,都是科学发展观的具体运用和生动实践。“仙居恩施”战略的提出,不仅是一个口号,而且是恩施市今后一个时期发展的思路和方向。本文试图以盛家坝马鹿河流域生态走廊的建设规划为例,对“仙居恩施”战略的重要意义、目标定位和基本原则,作出探究。 From Hubei Province’s full implementation of the “two laps around” development strategy, to Enshi City proposed to build “Xianju Enshi ”, the construction of ecological corridor of scientific decision-making, are the concrete application of the scientific concept of development and lively practice. “Xianju Enshi ” strategy put forward is not only a slogan, but also the development of Enshi city in the coming period ideas and direction. This paper attempts to take Shengjiaba Malu River eco-corridor construction planning as an example, the “Xianju Enshi ” strategy of significance, target orientation and basic principles to explore.
回顾全球经济与金融危机史,我们大致可以得出以下经验:当全球性危机爆发时,各国之间尚能齐心协力共同应对危机;然而当危机结束、各国需要刺激经济增长时,集体行动就蜕变为机会主义行为,国际摩擦与冲突便接踵而至。  本轮全球金融危机也不例外。在雷曼兄弟破产引发全球金融海啸的低谷,各主要国家尚且能够联手实施刺激性货币财政政策,推动了金融市场反弹与实体经济。然而当世界经济从危机中缓慢复苏之际,汇率战与贸易战的阴