本文主要介绍蜀都大厦塔楼和旋转餐厅的两个结构设计特点: 1.该工程中塔楼承重结构为钢筋混凝土圆形外筒与主体竖向承重的剪力墙结构不连续,在设计计算和构造方面的处理方法。2.旋转餐厅楼盖和屋盖采用了既经济、受力又明确的悬挑式小桁架。
This article mainly introduces the two structural design features of the towers and revolving restaurants in the Haddon Tower: 1. The shear-wall structure of the tower bearing structure with a reinforced concrete circular outer tube and the main vertical load-bearing structure is discontinuous, and is designed and constructed. Aspects of treatment. 2. Rotating the dining room floor and the roof adopts a cantilevered truss that is economical, forceful and clear.