
来源 :水利水电工程造价 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pyh333
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国际工程投标报价是国际工程招标过程中的一个决定性因素,直接关系到承包商投标的成与败。从国际工程投标报价的工作流程入手,全面介绍了投标工作团队的组建、合作伙伴的选择、资料的收集、招标文件的理解、造价编制办法的运用、项目风险分析与防范措施、投标报价的组成等投标过程中的关键点,供国际工程投标报价的从业人员借鉴与参考。 International project bidding is a decisive factor in the international project bidding process, which is directly related to the success or failure of the contractor’s bidding. Starting from the workflow of international project bidding, this paper introduces the formation of bidding team, the selection of partners, the collection of information, the understanding of bidding documents, the application of cost planning, project risk analysis and precautionary measures, the composition of bidding quotations Such as the bidding process of the key points for the international project bidding practitioners for reference and reference.