来华20年,做酒、买酒、卖酒,作为金六福酒业的职业经理人,李奥始终在用他的专业精神做好白酒生意过去一年,金六福董事长李奥(Leo Austin),这名英国籍职业经理人总共飞了200多趟,足迹遍及大半个中国,对应的则是金六福在各地开展的轰轰烈烈的“快销化运动”。2014年春,华泽集团董事长吴向东,把对他意义最为重大的一块资产——金六福酒业,亲手交给了李奥全权打理。看着这张陌生的欧洲面孔,酒水行业内外一度议论纷纷:英国人也能喝下中国白酒?李奥用一口地道的中国话
Leo Austin has been using his professionalism to do liquor business over the past 20 years, making wine, buying wine and selling wine. As a professional manager of JLF, Leo Austin, chairman of JLF, ). The British professional manager flew more than 200 trips in total and covered more than half of China’s territory. Correspondingly, JLF’s vigorous “fast-moving campaign” was taking place in various places. In the spring of 2014, Wu Xiangdong, the chairman of Wazzard Group, handed Li An the full power of his personal responsibility to JLF, the most significant asset to him. Looking at this unfamiliar European face, wine industry inside and outside once talked about: British people can drink Chinese liquor? Li Austrian with an authentic Chinese