民和县饮食、食品从业人员据不完全统计近千余名,针对这一情况,我站组织人力、物力进行了一次较全面的体检工作,共取得血清811份,其中做了 HBsAg 检测,检出阳性血清53份(6.54%)HBsAg 阳性检出在性别、民族、地区(城乡)之间,经卫生统计学处理,均无显著性差异。此次检验结果表明,我县的饮食、食品从业人员中,约有7%的人为 HBsAg 阳性携带者,这就意味着乙肝病毒将通过他们的排泄物及其它传播途径进行播散,引起他人的发病,这就要求监督人员及其它人员引起高度的重视。我站在有关部门的大力协助下,采取调离其工作岗位的措施,把住“病从口入 ”
According to incomplete statistics, more than a thousand workers and staff of food and food industries in Minhe County took part in the survey. According to this situation, I organized a more comprehensive medical examination for human and material resources. A total of 811 serum samples were obtained, of which HBsAg was tested and seized Positive sera were detected in 53 (6.54%) HBsAg positive gender, ethnic and regional (urban and rural areas), by the statistical treatment of health, no significant difference. The test results show that about 7% of our county’s diet, food practitioners are HBsAg-positive carriers, which means that the hepatitis B virus will spread through their excrement and other transmission routes, causing others Disease, which requires supervisors and other personnel to attract great attention. With the energetic assistance of the relevant departments, I took measures to remove their jobs and put “sickness”