瑞荣和晓丽在贺喜者的举杯把盏、声声祝福中,缔结鸳盟。婚后两年余,晓丽生了个白净净、胖乎乎的小宝宝。全家为此眉开眼笑,晓丽更是像掉进了蜜罐子,受到婆婆、丈夫的加倍呵护。 作了爸爸、妈妈的瑞荣和晓丽,尽管过了两年多隔银河相望,凭鸿雁传书的牛郎织女生活,可每次探亲相聚,那亲情,那蜜语,那健壮可爱的小宝贝,让小两口无时不荡漾在爱和欢乐的涟漪里…… 这不,瑞荣上次回家探亲后,不
Rui Rong and Xiaoli in Heishijie toast cup, sound blessing, the conclusion of mandarin League. More than two years after marriage, Xiao Li gave birth to a net net, chubby little baby. The whole family for this eye-opening smile, Xiao Li is like falling into a honey jar, by her mother-in-law, her husband’s double care. Made the father, mother Rui Rong and Xiaoli, despite more than two years across the Milky Way, with the biography of the Cowherd and the Wild Goose weaving life, each time to visit relatives, that affection, that honey language, that robust cute baby , Let the young couple always rippling in love and joy ... ... This is not, Rui Rong went home to visit relatives after the last, not