Our hospital in 1994 introduced a computer-controlled ventilator: BEARCLUB, NEWPORTE-150, NEWPORTE-200 so far, three years, has been used to rescue critically ill 150 newborns, and achieved remarkable results .1 clinical data of this group Rescue in children, 83 males and 67 females, gestational age 28 to 42 weeks, weighing 800 to 3900 grams, Apgar score 1 to 9. Of which 93 cases of neonatal hyaline membrane disease, 33 cases of severe neonatal asphyxia, newborns Pulmonary hemorrhage in 13 cases, neonatal severe pneumonia in 11. The above disease statistics according to the main diagnostic criteria for neonatal disease, based on clinical manifestations and combined with bedside X-ray examination to confirm the diagnosis.