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农村私有房屋是指农民个人所拥有的用于生产、生活的自建自住的农舍,这种农舍主要建在宅基地上。随着我国改革开放进一步深化和城市化进程的不断加快,农村大量剩余劳动力进入城市,把大量的私有房产留在了农村以及其他原因如继承等,使一户拥有了多处住宅,这样在现实中出现了大量的农村私有房屋的买卖,但又基于房价上涨等现实原因,使许多合同当事人在协议签订之后,甚至很长时间后,又以违反法律的规定为由主张该房屋买卖无效。那么非集体经济组织成员到底能否成为农村私有房屋买卖的买主?这一问题既关系到财产权的稳定性和交易行为的安全性,也关乎保护农 Private houses in rural areas refer to self-owned farmhouses owned and owned by peasants for production and livelihood, which are mainly built on homesteads. With the further deepening of China’s reform and opening up and the accelerating process of urbanization, a large number of rural surplus labor force have entered the cities, leaving a large amount of private property in the rural areas and other reasons such as inheritance so that a household owns many houses. In this way, However, based on the realistic reasons such as rising house prices, many contract parties argued that the sale of houses was invalid after violating the law even after a long time of signing the agreement. Can non-collective economic organizations members become buyers of private-owned houses for sale in rural areas? This question concerns not only the stability of property rights and the security of the transaction, but also the protection of farmers
“二代”商人要传承中国传统的处世智慧    正如史学大师陈寅恪先生所说,我希望我的孩子成为一个具有“独立之精神、自由之思想”的人。我是一个已经在北京打拼近20年的闽商,原中共福建省委书记卢展工在首届世界闽商大会开幕式上的致辞中对“闽商精神”做了精辟的总结:“善观时变、顺势有为、敢冒风险、爱拼会赢、合群团结、豪侠仗义、恋祖爱乡、回馈桑梓”。我希望孩子无论在何时何地,是否经商,都能对此有很好的理解,继
摘 要:本文侧重针对作文教学中学生情感激发的问题,从以言激情、以境生情、以情动情三个方面进行详细论述。  关键词:写作教学 情感激发    前言    情感是作文的灵魂,真情实感是文章的生命。心理学研究告诉我们:积极的情感能产生情感驱动力,鼓舞人们去行动,产生情感效能。刘勰在《文心雕龙·知音》一文中说:“缀文者情动而辞发。”叶圣陶先生说:“心有所思、情有所感,而后有所撰作。”《语文课程标准》中关于