幼女小阴唇粘连,多因局部炎症和雌激素不足所致,这种情况应加以治疗,以矫正幼女排尿困难,并消除其父母对此情况的焦虑。本文报道应用雌激素软膏治疗50例,和用外科手术治疗25例幼女小阴唇粘连的病例。 75例幼女的年龄均在3个月到4岁之间,在新生儿时均无此种病变。仔细用肉眼观察外阴即可正确诊断,一般在阴蒂下有细孔通过尿液,自阴蒂至阴唇系带可见两边小阴唇粘连处呈一薄层中线。75例中有60例(80%)
Young female labia minora adhesions, mostly due to local inflammation and estrogen deficiency caused by this situation should be treated to correct dysuria in young girls and eliminate their parents anxiety in this situation. This article reports the application of estrogen ointment in 50 cases, and the surgical treatment of 25 cases of young girls labia minora adhesions. 75 cases of young girls are between 3 months to 4 years old, no such lesions in newborns. Carefully observe the vulva with the naked eye can be the correct diagnosis, usually in the clitoris pores through the urine, from the clitoris to the labia ministry visible on both sides of the labia minora adhesions was a thin centerline. Of the 75 patients, 60 (80%)