ChangZhou DiaoYou WuZhunGang 55 years old this year, grew up fond of fishing, angling for 40 years, according to the fishing safety consciousness is not too thin, but “one hundred dense sparse”, or to the high-voltage line under the “ trip. Thanks to the fishing time in the afternoon, dry wet pond shoes, combined with the shoes of the insulation performance is better, ”escape" a false alarm, but Wu Diao You healing, the right hand can not mention the pen to write. In order for the Diaoyu friends to learn from his experiences and lessons to avoid the dangers under the high-voltage line, Wu Diao-you special dictation, please niece clerks writing to once again remind fishermen who: Mo line fishing under high pressure! Liu Bei, a fishing association in Beibei District of Chongqing, also wrote an article about the tragedy of fishing with their startling tragedy. They solemnly warned the fishermen to pay attention to fishing safety and should be cautious and cautious. ── Editor