微软公司和Netscape公司之间的浏览器大战几个月来一直是IT业的焦点,如今,透过商业上的某些因素,我们看看这两种浏览器在技术上究竟如何。大战:难分胜负在国际互联网络的竞技场上摸爬滚打了几个月之后,Netscape Communication公司的Communicator 4.0已经成为沙场老手,其优势和不足也已家喻户晓。微软公司最近刚刚发布的Internet Explorer 4.0中,有不少比Communicator更新奇的东西。不过,如果IE4.0投入正式使用的话,可能就会暴露一些弱点。
Browser wars between Microsoft Corp. and Netscape Inc. have been the focus of the IT industry for months, and now, with some business element, let’s see how technically these two browsers work. A few months later, Netscape Communication’s Communicator 4.0 has become a veteran of the battlefield, and its strengths and weaknesses are well known. Microsoft recently released Internet Explorer 4.0, there are quite a few things that are more exotic than Communicator. However, if IE4.0 put into official use, it may expose some weaknesses.