AIDS spread rapidly in the word. In Asia, theepidemic of AIDS has also spread rapidly. Will Chinabecome the country with the large number of HIVcases in the 21m century? HTV in factor xiii fromUSA infected first Chinese person in 1985 in China.Since 1988, the annual reported number of new HIVhas been reported in 31 provinces, autonomousregions and muuicipalities in China. At the end of2001, the cumulative reported HTV /AIDS cases30736. Among them 1594 were AIDS patients. It wasestimated the actual of HTV infections was over
AIDS spread rapidly in the word. In Asia, the epidemic of AIDS has also spread rapidly. Will Chinabecome the country with the large number of HIVcases in the 21st century? HTV in factor xiii fromUSA infected first Chinese person in 1985 in China. Since 1988, the annual reported number of new HIVhas been reported in 31 provinces, autonomousregions and muuicipalities in China. At the end of 2001, the cumulative report HTV / AIDS cases 30736. Among them 1594 were AIDS patients. It wasestimated the actual of HTV infections was over