有这样一个故事:一个人拖着沉甸甸的板车疲惫地来到了山脚下,望着前面那一段长长的上坡路,他不禁望而却步。心想,今天靠自己绝对是拉不上去了。正在感到为难之际,这时走来一个热心的过路人,对他说:“我来帮你。”说着,便利索地卷起袖子拉开一副推车的架势。见有人帮忙,拉车人心里有了底,自然也就有了信心。于是,在热心人“加油,加油”的鼓励声中,将车拉到了山顶。当他非常感谢热心人鼎力相助时,没想到那个人却说:“这两天我的腰扭伤了,根本就不能用劲,只是喊喊‘加油’而已。” 这个故事颇耐人寻味。拉车人一开始连想都没想到自己能单独将车拉上去,并不是因为体
There is such a story: a man dragged heavy truck exhausted to the foot of the mountain, looking forward to that long uphill, he could not help but deter. I thought, today alone can not pull up. Feeling embarrassed, an enthusiastic passerby came up to him and said, “I’ll help you.” Then, with ease, I rolled up my sleeves and opened the cart. See someone to help pull the car there is a bottom of my heart, naturally, there will be confidence. So, enthusiastic people “Come on, Come on,” the encouragement of the sound, pulled the car to the top. When he was very grateful to the enthusiastic support, he did not think that person said: “These days my sprain sprained, simply can not exert, just shout ’Come on.’” This story is rather intriguing. Pull cart people even think of the beginning did not think they can pull the car alone, not because of the body