“从近年来世界对肿瘤临床和实验的研究进展看,不久的将来,对肿瘤的预防、早期诊断和彻底根治,必然有重大提高.”这是中国肿瘤学专家、中国医学科学院肿瘤研究所所长吴桓兴教授最近对记者说的话. 吴桓兴教授虽然年逾古稀,但是身体很好,记忆力甚强.他风趣地说,很多人“谈癌色变”,其实,大可不必.癌症是可以认识的,对它的预防、诊断和治疗措施逐年都有改进,有多种癌症已基本得到了控制.例如皮肤癌等表浅肿瘤,宫颈、胃、直肠等一些
“In recent years, the world’s clinical research on cancer and experimental progress in the near future, the prevention of cancer, early diagnosis and radical cure, there must be a significant increase.” This is China oncology experts, Institute of Oncology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Professor Wu Huanxing told reporters recently, Professor Wu Huanxing, though old and sparse, but in good health and memory, he said humorously, many people “talk about cancer discoloration”, in fact, no need to know cancer is understandable , Its prevention, diagnosis and treatment measures have improved year by year, a variety of cancers have been basically controlled, such as skin cancer and other superficial tumors, cervix, stomach, rectum and some