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自古以来,山东即为冶铁业的发达地区,特别是两汉时期,这一地区更是全国重要的冶铁手工业生产基地。建国以来,随着田野考古工作的不断深入,发现了数以千计的汉代铁器,为研究山东地区汉代冶铁业提供了丰富的资料。本文拟就近年来考古发现两汉铁器资料反映的有关问题及... Since ancient times, Shandong is the developed area of ​​the iron smelting industry, especially during the Han dynasty. This area is also an important base for the iron smelting industry in the country. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, with the continuous deepening of field archeological work, thousands of iron wares from the Han Dynasty were discovered, providing abundant materials for the research on the iron and steel industry in the Han Dynasty in Shandong. This article intends to archaeologists in recent years to find the two Han ironworks reflect the relevant issues and ...