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【正】 近年来,欧洲与亚洲的接近已成为国际经济和政治关系中引人注目的问题。这与冷战结束有关,与世界格局从两极向多极转变有关,与亚洲的崛起有关,与区域一体化有关,当然,也与欧美矛盾有关。这样一个与方方面面都有关系的问题,引起世人注意,是很自然的。其中,人们最感兴趣的,是人类进入21世纪以后,欧亚关系在世界上的分量和影响。
【正】 去年10月,扎伊尔东部的基武省当局驱逐图西族的命令引发了图西族人和其他少数民族的叛乱,反政府武装同政府军在东部地区展开激战,严重威胁了整个大湖地区的稳定。危机
Hot nuclei with differentN/Z ratio were produced by using~(40)Ar beam on~(112)Sn and~(124)Sn target,respectively.The energy spectra and the emission probabiliti
【正】 一九九五年初我自黎巴嫩使馆回国休假,本想与长期分离的父母妻儿多相聚一段时间,不想因工作需要,我又随即被调到驻利使馆工作。出发前,我抓紧时间读了一些有关利比亚
The pituitary of the B6C3F1 hybrid strain mice were irradiated with 0.05 Gy of ^60Co γ-ray as the pre-exposure dose (D1), and were then irradiated with 2 Gy of
A subject "Study of mechanism and application of space radiation induced mutation breeding on rice" has been established in NSFC, China. In order to verify spac
【正】 长期以来,非洲一些国家如卢旺达、布隆迪、索马里、苏丹等战乱不止、政局动荡,特别是今年5月中非大国扎伊尔政权发生重大更迭。然而,有"东非屋脊"之称的肯尼亚则政局
In the paper the human hepatoma cells SMMC-7721 were irradiated by 80 MeV/u ^20Ne^10+; phase changes of irradiated cell cycle were detected by Flow Cytornetry (
<正>For the first time the physical properties of therapeutic carbon-ion beam supplied by the shallow-seated tumor therapy terminal at the Heavy Ion Research Fa