[作文指导] 题目精析:“最近”指已经过去不久的一段时间;“有意义”,指这件事对自己、对他人或集体、国家都具有积极作用。题目限制了事情的数量——一件,还要求这件事是你自己做的,也就是说,你看到、听到或想到的事不能写。事情的经过要写具体。重点指导:首先,要选好典型的事例。好好想一想,你做过哪些有意义的事,比如:尊敬老师、孝敬长辈、助人为乐、爱护公物、见义勇为、拾金不昧、热爱劳动、奉献爱心等等,然后选一件你印象最深刻的事来写。其次,要把事情写完整。写事的文章一定要写清楚事情发生的时间、地点、人物,以及事情的起因、经过、结果这六个要素。只有把六要素写清楚了,这件事才算完整。
[Composition Guide] Topic Analysis: “Recently” refers to the passage of time not long ago; “meaningful” refers to this matter for themselves, to others or groups, countries have a positive effect. The title limits the number of things - one, and requires that it be done on your own, that is, what you see, hear or think can not be written. Things to write specific. Key guidance: First of all, to choose a typical example. Think about the meaningful things you've done, such as respecting teachers, honoring elders, helping others, protecting public property, being brave, picking up money, loving labor, giving love and so on, and choosing one of your most impressive Write things. Second, we need to write things completely. Write articles must write clearly the time, place, people, and the causes, after, the results of these six elements. Only when the six elements are clearly stated is this matter complete.