This article reports the coronary angiography of 10 patients with coronary artery stenosis before their coronary artery or its proximal and distal parts of the post-mortem comparison was found. Methods: All 10 patients had angina pectoris and / or healed acute myocardial infarction before their death. All patients underwent coronary artery bypass surgery. Deaths occurred within 57 days after cardiac surgery and did not exceed 69 days after coronary angiography. At the time of autopsy, the intact pericardial coronary arteries were isolated from the heart and fixed in 10% formalin buffer, followed by X-ray photography, and decalcified if calcified. Then, cross into 5 mm segments. At least two sections of each section were stained with H-E and Movat methods, respectively. Coronary angiography and autopsy biopsies were graded as 0-25%, 26-50%, 51-75%, and 76-100%. RESULTS: (1) Autopsy findings: Histological examination revealed that in 61 patients with coronary arteries in 10 patients or proximal and distal portions thereof, atherosclerosis