二、人体内不可缺少的营养物质——维生素 (一)维生素的命名与分类:维生素是一种低分子有机化合物,体内不能合成或合成较少,必须从食物中摄取。主要功用在于参加体内物质代谢的调节。 1.维生素的命名:有两种方法,一是按维生素发现的先后次序分别在维生素后加上A、B、C、D等字母来命名。现在连贯不起来是由于:发现同物异名,废弃一个;最初发现是一种,后证明是几种之混合物,便在右下角标1、2,如B_1、B_2等;最初认为是维生素,后发现是“必需脂肪酸”或“必需氨基酸”,故原维生素名称不要了。二是以其功能命名,许多维生素的
Second, the human body essential nutrients - vitamins (A) of vitamin names and classification: Vitamin is a low molecular weight organic compounds, the body can not be synthesized or synthesized less, you must take from food. The main function is to participate in the body’s metabolism regulation. 1. Vitamin Name: There are two ways, first, according to the order of discovery of vitamins, respectively, after the vitamin with A, B, C, D and other letters to name. Now coherence is not due to: found the same name synonymous, discarded one; initially found to be a mixture of a few later proved in the lower right corner of 1, 2, such as B_1, B_2, etc .; initially considered to be vitamins, After the discovery is “essential fatty acids” or “essential amino acids”, so the name of the original vitamin do not want. The second is named after its function, many vitamins