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打着赤脚的孩子们一溜儿小跑地奔走相告:“哇!好棒!晚上银宫戏院要演猴戏啦!”大人们兴冲冲地反问道:“那个团的?演哪一出戏?”“东华戏团要演《济公传》啦……”话未说完,人已跑得不见踪影了,赶戏要紧哪!好戏开锣啦皮影戏是一种有影无形、似真似幻的民间戏曲。说起它的起源,还真有一段浪漫的传说哩。据《搜神记》中记载,汉武帝的爱妃李夫人逝 Barefoot children running around with trot rallies: “Wow! Wonderful! Night Silver Palace Theater to play the Monkey!” The adults excitedly asked: “The group? ”East China Circus to play“ Jigong Chuan ”... ...“ If not finished, people have run away disappeared, and play what tight! Play good movie Lamphir shadow play is a kind of shadow invisible, the true like magic folk drama. Speaking of its origin, there is really a romantic legend miles. According to ”Sou Shen Ji" records, Han Emperor Wu’s love Mrs. Lee died
人类的生物多样性和文化多样性 ,与人类作为一个统一的智人种具有相似的遗传结构、生理性状和心智倾向之间 ,到底是一种什么关系 ?从现有的知识状况来看 ,人类群体的遗传变异