加强纪律建设 把守纪律讲规矩摆在更加重要的位置

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要加强纪律建设,把守纪律讲规矩摆在更加重要的位置。党章是全党必须遵循的总章程,也是总规矩。党的纪律是刚性约束,政治纪律更是全党在政治方向、政治立场、政治言论、政治行动方面必须遵守的刚性约束。国家法律是党员、干部必须遵守的规矩。党在长期实践中形成的优良传统和工作惯例也是重要的党内规矩。纪律是成文的规矩,一些未明文列入纪律的规矩是不成文的纪律;纪律是刚性的规矩,一些未明文列入纪律的规矩是自我约束的 We must step up discipline construction and lay emphasis on discipline and discipline in a more important position. The party constitution is the general constitution that the entire party must follow, and it is also the general rule. Party discipline is rigid and political discipline is the rigid constraint that the entire party must abide by in its political, political, political, and political actions. National laws are the rules that party members and cadres must abide by. The fine traditions and working practices that the party has formed in long-term practice are also important inner-party rules. Discipline is a written rule. Some unwritten rules are unwritten disciplines. Discipline is rigid rules. Some rules that are not included in discipline are self-restraint
《长尾理论》  作者:[美] 克里斯·安德森 著;乔江涛 石晓燕 译  定价:68.00元  出版社:中信出版社  出版时间:2012年9月  大规模同质化的生产经营,让诸多企业特别是中小企业深陷价格战泥潭;个性化需求凸显,主流媒体大众广告的营销力日渐式微。“给顾客们丰富的选择,同时帮助他们搜索。”这是《长尾理论》给出的核心观点。如何选择长尾市场,采用哪种生产方式,如何在滞销市场中推销商品,如何