Female patient, 12 years old. Due to muscle pain in both lower extremities 20d, fever 7d treatment. Ultrasound showed: between the spleen and the left kidney can be seen a high echo group, the boundary is clear, the echo is not uniform, the size of about 95mm × 85mm × 70mm, CDFI: surrounding the lesion visible part of the blood flow signal, visible within the strip of blood flow Signal (Figure 1a). Retroperitoneal visible a huge hypoechoic group, walking along the abdominal aorta and branches around the way, irregular shape, lobulated, uneven internal echo, the size of about 205mm × 92mm × 63mm (Figure 1b). Ultrasound diagnosis: the spleen and the left kidney between the tumor; a huge retroperitoneal mass. CT scan and enhancement: left adrenal and retroperitoneal multiple large irregular soft tissue mass, the density is not