一同窗自幼聪慧过人,在同事中素有“拼命三郎”的美称,其业务娴熟,公众舆论也甚好,却郁郁不得志。四十好几依然小干事一个,眼巴巴看着那些志也平平才也庸庸,每天围着领导团团转的马屁精们一个个飞黄腾达,志得意满。他终积郁成疾,沉疴病榻,撇下妻儿老小,一命归西。临终时他仰天长叹:琢磨事的人永远也赶不上琢磨人的人发达。同窗死于心里不平衡。 张三、李四同一天走出校门,同一天就职于一个单位。张三善察颜观色,喜顺杆儿爬,嘴甜似蜜,有事没事愿意到领导那儿侃大山聊
A classmate since childhood smart extraordinary, colleagues in the known as “desperate Saburo” reputation, its business skills, the public opinion is also very good, but depressed. Forty still a few small clerk, looked at those who are also plain Chi Yong is also mediocre, every day around the leadership of the turnaround masters one after another to fly, ambitious. He eventually Yucheng Cheng Ji, Shen Mian sickbed, leaving his wife and children, a life to the west. He drowshed when dying: people who think about things can never catch up with people who ponder people. Students died in my heart is not balanced. Zhang San, Li Si with the same day out of school, the same day worked in a unit. Zhang Sanshan Cha Yan color, like the pole climb, mouth sweet like honey, something nothing to willing to go there to talk about Kan chat