凯斯.卡鲁斯《体验无可言传》(Unclaimed Experience,1996)一书的出版,为日益勃兴的创伤研究提供了重要的反思契机。自此之后,越来越多的批评家关注并试图在历史动力、心理体验与文学形式三者之间探寻出一些结合点来。因为就某一方面而言,卡鲁斯的著作在创伤研究领域已经产生不
The publication of Kees Carus’s book Unclaimed Experience (1996) provides an important reflection on the burgeoning wound research. Since then, more and more critics have paid attention to and tried to find some combination points between the historical motivation, psychological experience and literary form. Because in a certain way, Carus’s writings have been created in the field of traumatic studies