21 years old, carrying 2000 yuan, with the big brother to do business. I believe I can do anything, get anything, and become anyone I want to be. My business was so successful that in six years I achieved all my goals that I wanted for a lifetime. I work 80 hours a week, often to the night at eleven. I have suffered from gastric ulcer, my wife and I also get farther and farther, but my career is also a dream never imagined. However, one day, exhausted like a sudden outbreak of fire engulfed me. Exhausted my energy, creativity, my love of life, and my longing for the future. Especially when driving in the office or on the construction site, my thoughts are always in my heart. I often have the urge to bump into hard objects ... Those who are prone to exhaustion, usually those who are exhausted by the endless business expansion Running people, those who are passionate about lofty ideals and goals, are often company managers or best-of-breed employees. Here to remind -